Mount Falcon Salmon Fishery
The Mount Falcon fishery consists of 2 miles of double bank fishing on the lower Moy just a few miles above the tide. The season commences on the 1st February and closes on 30th September. The best chance of connecting with a spring salmon is from late April through June. The peak months for grilse and summer salmon are June/July/August/September. The fishery is run on a 2 beat system, each beat is 1 mile long and accommodates 6 anglers.
The lower beat is mainly spinning and bait water while the upper beat contains some excellent fly water, 2 notable pools being the Wall Pool and Connor’s Gap. The fishing is reserved exclusively for hotel/lodge guests, booking is essential. The Fishery is well served with car parking facilities. While on the river the guests are ferried from pool to pool by our fishery manager Stuart Price or the resident ghillie. Private ghilles are available (pre-booking required). A full range of tackle (both fly and spinning/bait) is available for hire, as are waders and wet weather gear. The Rod Room also has a freezer, here you can store your catch until departure. There is an excellent smokery in Ballina that can smoke your catch and forward it to your home address. Given the variety of water, ranging from relatively shallow fly pools to the deeper holding pools, come the summer there is always a fish to be caught, especially for those willing to change their tactics to suit the conditions. Over the years numerous guests both young and old have caught their first fish in Mount Falcon waters.
Please be advised that river fishing is available for Mount Falcon residants 16 years of age and older.
For more information contact us Email: Tel:00353(0)9674472