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93 animals on the list – 27/05/2024

Resident Birds:

1. Godlen Eagle

2. Robin

3. Chaffinch

4. Goldfinch

5. Wren

6. Song Thrush

7. Mistle Thrush

8. Blackbird

9. Great Tit

10.Blue Tit


12.Ringed Dove






18. Sparrow Hawk

19. Tree Creeper

20. Pheasant

21. Hooded Crow

22. Jay

23. Kingfisher

24. Sand Martin

25. Moy Duck

26. Heron

27. Cormorant

28. Dipper

29. Wagtail

30. Pipit

31. Curlew

32. Goldcrest

33. Moorhen

34. Mallard Duck

35. Common Gull

36. Redwing

37. Greenfinch

38. Bullfinch

39. Siskin

40. Fieldfare

41. Pied Wagtail

42. Long Tailed Tit

43. Turtle Dove

44. Raven

45. Sparrow

46. Coal Tit

47. Dunnock

48. Common House Martin

49. Peregrine Falcon

50. Black Headed Gull

51. Grey Wagtail

52. Shag

53. Teal Duck

54. Widgeon Duck

55. Kingfisher

56. Mute Swan

57. Bewick’s Swan

58. Whooper Swan


Migratory Birds:

1. Bank Swallow

2. Cuckoo

3. Barn Owl

4. Woodcock

5. Snipe

6. Long Eared Owl

7. Canada Geese


Land-based Fauna:

1. Rabbit

2. Hare

3. Red Squirrel

4. Badger

5. Hedgehog

6. Fox

7. Pine Marten

8. Rat

9. Field Mouse

10. Wood Mouse

11. Roe Deer

12. Red Deer

13. Shrew

14. House Mouse

15.Bats – 7 species (Common Pipistrelle, Soprano Pipistrelle, Natterer’s, Daubenton’s, Brown Long Eared, Leisler’s & Lesser Noctule)


Aquatic-based Fauna:

1.    Otter

2.    Frog

3.    Common Newt

4.    Mink

5.    Brown Trout

6.    Perch

7.    Atlantic Salmon

8.    Pink Salmon

9.    Roach


11.Sea Trout


13.Silver Eel

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